Fiber SenSys User Account Registration


Registration is a two-step process: You will receive an email to activate your registration and verify your email. You MUST use the verification link provided in the email to activate your account before it can be approved.

If you do not have an existing account with us, please fill in the form below to register. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
Approval can take up to 48 hours (please allow additional time on a Friday or weekend).

Please enter your full name.
Please provide a unique username.
Please provide a valid e-mail address.
The emails entered do not match.
Please enter a password.
The passwords entered do not match.
If you are currently an FSI 3rd-party solutions provider, please select your partner type from the items listed. You can select multiple types.
Invalid Input
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Please enter your company name.
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Invalid Input
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Please enter a valid State or Province.
Invalid Input
Please enter your Country.
You must agree to the collecting of this information before you can register.