Incorporating the proven level of high security demonstrated in our FD500 series of products, the Fiber SenSys FD525-HALO™ is an easy-to-install perimeter solution that economically addresses larger sites.


    • Ideal for sites greater than 500 meters
    • Up to 25 independent zones (maximum cable length of 5.8km) that detect multiple simultaneous intrusion attempts.
    • Additional alarm processors can easily be combined for protection of larger sites.
    • The need for conduit or multiple cable paths is eliminated through the use of a single hybrid cable.
    • Insensitive lead-in cable allows for remote APU deployment – up to 5km.
    • Tuning and calibration discrimination software in the FD500 Series Software Suite eliminates nuisance alarms.

Applications: Larger industrial, airports, solar farms

    • 19″ rack-mount, 2U
    • Up to 25 zones
    • Insensitive lead to 5km

Advanced tuning; single-cable solution for easy install.  Typically deployed in a control room.


Please Note: Fiber SenSys alarm processors integrate with a number of partner products (i.e., Lenel and ISS). Any additional hardware and/or software required by partners must be purchased directly from them.

Product Information

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