Fiber SenSys, Inc. headquarters remain fully operational and able to receive and ship orders. Our supply lines remain intact and functional. We continue to support our projects and customers globally.

As we move through these dynamic times, Fiber SenSys is following the guidelines below:

  • Customers and employee safety and health remain our first concern.
  • Fiber SenSys continues to follow government mandates, orders, and restrictions. To comply, we have asked many employees to work from home. We have asked those that absolutely need be at our facility to practice social distancing and follow COVID-19 guidelines (handwashing, covering coughs and sneezes, etc.) and common sense.
  • We will prioritize orders for critical and rated military orders.
  • We are limiting visitors to our facility and using alternative meeting resources and web-based conferencing.
  • Employee travel is restricted.

Please contact us through normal channels. Your regional Sales Manager and sales staff can help with orders, logistics information, and system design support. Our Technical Support team remains available for technical product support, ongoing installations, and existing site support. You may also contact us at and

Stay safe.